Omaha Swifts on Display

Photos courtesy of Jerry Adams

This last Monday the Omaha Area Swifts were asked to show their Swifts to EAA chapter 80.  Jon Breese, headed the formal explanation of differences.  Others were Steve Stephens, Bill Breese, Tom Gulzia, and Jerry Adams.  There were about 60 members who showed up to see these wonderful machines.  Not a bad one in the bunch.   Many would like to own one. 
---Jerry Adams---

It's kinda neat how they lined-up the "customs" opposite the "originals"

Nice overhead shot...

Nothing like polished Swifts...

Some close-ups so we can credit the owners...

John Breese

Steve Stevens

Jerry Adams

Tom Gulzia 

Jon Breese

Bill Breese

Jim Steier